Investigating Subdivision Potential for Rural Properties in Western Australia

When considering property development, one of the key aspects that can significantly enhance the value and utility of land is exploring its subdivision potential. Understanding this potential requires a meticulous due diligence assessment, as demonstrated in our recent project overview.


South Greenough


June 2024


Urban & Regional Planning

Project Overview

Our team at Trace Enterprises undertook a comprehensive assessment to investigate the subdivision potential of a rural property in South Greenough. This task was geared towards revealing opportunities for development, guided by local and state planning frameworks.

Context and Background

The subject site spans approximately 16.4 hectares, featuring a blend of residential, commercial, and agricultural uses. This multi-use site includes a single dwelling, a commercial operation, and expansive farmland for primary production.

The project location, nearby to a major town centre, underscores its value. Legal access via an easement serves both the subject site and an adjacent property, facilitating connectivity for potential development.

Aligning with Strategic Plans

A crucial aspect of the due diligence process involved aligning the subdivision proposal with the Local Planning Strategy and Local Planning Scheme No. 1 (LPS1). These documents provide the framework for sustainable growth within the region, emphasising the protection of high-value agricultural lands and compatible rural development.

Subdivision proposals must comply with State Planning Policy 2.5 – Rural Planning (SPP2.5) and Development Control Policy 3.4 – Subdivision of Rural Land (DCP3.4). Our analysis focused on ensuring the proposal met these requirements, protecting existing land uses while exploring new potential.

Key Considerations for Subdivision

Our assessment identified several factors critical to the success of a subdivision application:

  • Air Quality and Noise: Given the existing commercial operations, it was imperative to assess the impact on air quality and noise levels, ensuring compliance with environmental standards.
  • Bushfire Management: The site’s rural setting necessitates a detailed bushfire management plan to safeguard future developments.
  • Legal Access: Secure and legal access to the highway is a fundamental requirement for future subdivisions.
  • Servicing Arrangements: Reliable servicing solutions for utilities and infrastructure are essential to support new developments.

Recommendations and Next Steps

Based on our desktop assessment, we recommend proceeding with a homestead lot subdivision. This approach aligns with the objectives outlined in LPS1 and DCP3.4, promoting sustainable development while preserving the site’s character and utility.

To advance the application, additional detailed surveys and reports are necessary to address the identified considerations. Engaging with qualified practitioners will provide the required evidence to demonstrate compliance beyond reasonable doubt.


Our project illustrates the intricate process of evaluating subdivision potential, requiring a blend of strategic insight and technical expertise. At Trace Enterprises, our role as planning consultants is to bridge the gap between opportunity and realisation, guiding property investors, developers, and local authorities through the complexities of property development.


Contact us today for a tailored consultation or no-obligation quote