Heritage Impact and Character Assessment

Trace Enterprises was engaged to conduct a Heritage Impact Statement and a heritage character statement for a single-story federation era cottage at 7 Martha Street in the Guildford Historic Town, as part of the proponent’s application to carry out renovations at the property.


Guildford, Western Australia


March, 2023



The town of Guildford, while not individually listed, is encompassed within the State Register of Heritage Places, falling under the protective purview of the Heritage Act 2018 (WA). Given Guildford's heritage designation, any construction, renovation, or modification within its bounds is subject to stringent policies designed to preserve the town's historic fabric and manage alterations cohesively across the heritage area.

The initiation of a Heritage Impact Statement is a dialogue with the property owner, aimed at comprehending the intended works and their potential repercussions on the heritage-listed building, site, or item. For 7 Martha Street, this dialogue was seamlessly integrated with the subsequent step: a thorough visual inspection of the premises. This inspection entailed a comprehensive evaluation of the property's current condition, augmented by photographic documentation, to elucidate the proposed changes and their possible effects on the heritage value of the property, its streetscape, or the wider heritage area.

The preparatory work for a Heritage Impact Statement and a character statement is desk-based, synthesizing information conveyed by the property owner, existing architectural blueprints, and plans for the proposed works. This information is cross-referenced with heritage registrations, extant character statements, and local government policies to construct a nuanced understanding of the likely impacts of the proposed works. This analysis ensures that the design and materials selected are congruent with the criteria established to preserve the historical integrity and value of the property.

7 Martha Street, identified as a contributory element within the Guildford Historic Town, exemplifies Federation-era architecture. A comprehensive review of accessible data concluded that the proposed works would not detract from the property’s heritage significance nor diminish its contribution to the streetscape, the local area, or the town at large.


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